Want to know your skin's worst enemies? The sun and the weather! Yes, quite simply. Indeed, with the succession of years and because of the UV rays, there is an increase in the slackening of the skin.
And as a famous proverb confirms: "prevention is better than cure".
To prevent the signs of aging caused by the sun, you must protect yourself by regularly applying sunscreen, and by insisting on the most exposed areas such as the forehead...
In addition, in order to reduce the famous lion's wrinkle (the one between the two eyebrows), it is necessary to put on a good pair of glasses as soon as the first rays of sunlight appear, even if they are minimal.
It is also wise, for those who are more involved, to associate a healthy lifestyle. You can therefore limit alcohol, cigarettes and even food or drinks that are too salty, sweet or fatty. Practicing sports can help you eliminate toxins from your body in order to keep your complexion beautiful and your skin glowing for as long as possible. On this subject, we encourage you to read our article on the routine to adopt after your sports session!
And now, to fight against the effects of time, what skin care products should you adopt according to your age?
It's very simple, from the age of 20-25 you must deeply moisturize your skin. In the evening (as a priority) but also in the morning, after having thoroughly cleansed your face with our softening face cleanser, do not hesitate to apply our mattifying moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid, which has a strong moisturizing effect and which also purifies your skin.
From the age of 30 onwards, we recommend starting a routine with our moisturizing, soothing & anti-aging cream, which is multi-active to delay the onset of the effects of time as much as possible. You can apply it by gently tapping your fingertips on the most sensitive areas to be treated. You can complete this routine with our eye contour care which will have an immediate effect (especially for the day after parties that have lasted a little longer...) but also a longer term effect by stimulating the production of collagen in your skin which is thinner and more sensitive around the eyes (see also our article on the beech bud, one of the key ingredients of our anti-aging skin care).
And finally, from your forties onwards, you can complete your routine by applying our nutritive anti-aging care and our eye contour care systematically in the evening to your cleansed skin. Don't forget to continue to apply our moisturizing, soothing & anti-aging cream in the morning to your cleansed skin.
For the most motivated, a weekly scrub with our facial exfoliant will help you purify, detoxify and smooth your skin in a very effective way.
And we can imagine that you might be wondering why it is better to use an anti-aging treatment rather than an anti-wrinkle serum.
The answer is simple: an anti-aging treatment is much more complete than an anti-wrinkle treatment. Indeed, the anti-wrinkle treatment (whatever it is) will be more targeted. On the other hand, an anti-aging treatment fights against the loss of skin density, smoothes out wrinkles and fine lines, and also helps to restore an even skin tone.